Monday, October 6, 2008

Outbound Training

We use the concepts of action and experiential learning – one’s experiences serving as a learning tool – through the methodology of ‘Outbound training’ to help trainees gain immediate and powerful insights into their own and their team’s work styles and behavior.

In outbound programs, participants are made to go through various outdoor activities where they will be required to face challenging situations as individuals and teams. This will help them see the importance of communication, leadership, teamwork, planning and delegation. Many consider outbound training as one of the best platforms for personality development, leadership development, confidence building and team building.

One of the most unique aspects of ‘Outbound’ training is that trainees are immediately able to see the consequences of wrong actions and can see the tangible difference that can be made by a change in thinking and behavior. Trained facilitators help them extrapolate the learning from the outdoor activities to their workplace.

Below are a list of programs are usually trained using the ‘Outbound’ methodology:
  • Sales Training.
  • Leadership Training.
  • Team Development.
  • Motivation.
  • Creative Problem Solving.
The outdoors as a classroom
In today's corporate world, qualities like leadership, resourcefulness, decisiveness and team spirit have taken on an unprecedented importance. It is qualities like these that separate the best from the rest, and keep organizations ahead of their competition.

These qualities are learned better in the outdoors than in concrete classrooms, through Semi Out-Bound Training (OBT) or Experiential Learning (EL). Stripped of an urban ambience, and without the confines and pressures of an office atmosphere, a well designed outbound programme helps people get in closer touch with themselves and gain a clearer view of their strengths and weaknesses. The result is seen as improved team dynamics, a more aware and focused workforce, and enhanced productivity for the organization.

The objective of OBL lies in taking the group of people away from the normal environment into the outdoors, where groups have to fend for themselves in solving challenges set before them. These settings not only enhance their personal thresholds, but also group thresholds.

In an Outbound Traning Programme, experienced facilitators work with the participants to explore and improve upon their strengths, support areas, behaviour patterns and interpersonal relationships. Mutual learning is facilitated through experiencing, reflecting and conceptualizing under the guidance of expert facilitators.

Simulations are designed to address multiple dimensions of team development and leadership skills. Each action, process and behaviour pattern is observed carefully, taken note of and reflected upon by the participants with the help of facilitators during exploratory debriefs in a relaxed environment. The process facilitates unlearning of errors and learning solutions. The learnings are related to organizational environment and transformed into commitments. Participants are encouraged to transform commitments into quantifiable objectives to effect organizational growth.

Activities generally center on the importance of team building, communication, presentation skills, leadership, etiquette, creative problem solving.

Advantages of Experiential Learning over the regular training programme
More and more companies in India are incorporating Experiential Learning (EL) modules in their executive training programmes, acknowledging the superiority of this way over conventional methods of teaching several critical life skills.

Outbound training is far better than being cooped up in a room and getting fed on theoretical concepts. Outbounds make for great team bonding especially when you want a new team to gel together or even incorporate some concepts into a team in a fun sort of way. Combine an office outing with some good learning as well.

Another advantage of EL is that participants pay attention, not only because there are safety factors involved but also because it is fun.

Experiential learning is challenging. It is demanding. It is fun. Activities are safe, stimulating, and occur in an atmosphere of support and caring. Results can be rapid and profound.

EL is far tougher to organize than regular trainings. The setting makes it impossible that participants doze off during training - something that can happen very soon in a room.

What was once a novelty, is now commonplace among Indian companies. Once you go to a couple of ELs, you begin to think if it’s the novelty that makes it fun or the learnings. At times though, the fact that you are at an offsite often overrides a lot of other learnings, unless it is reinforced through briefing, de-briefing sessions and refresher courses too.

Experiential learning fosters quick understanding and absorption of required personaliy traits and professional skills, facilitating people empowerment. This format utilizes experiential learning with self analytical group processes to imbibe learning.

Participants get a fresh perspective of self and organizational development through this approach.


Anonymous said...

Companies can save a lot of money by utilizing corporate learning solutions like elearning for their call center training.

Unknown said...

Really nice information on Outbound Training, very well explain about the Outbound Training. I really learns a lot from this post. very nice post. Regards, Sanya Corporate training companies in India

Blanchard Research & Training India said...

Really nice post on Outbound Training.These type of Training really works.Regards leadership training india

Mary Brown said...

Great Article

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Unknown said...

The outbound training workshops are very high energy programs for enhancing individual and team performance. Through these outbound management programmes skills improvement takes place in the areas of teamwork, team bonding, communication, leadership, time management, problem solving, decision making, motivation, change and personality development.
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