Leadership Development Programme
This module is aimed at lower and middle level management personnel. It is a two-day workshop. It has a powerpoint visual aid, games, a case study and a psychometric test.
Leadership is the process of influencing others towards the accomplishment of goals. It is the ability of a manager to induce subordinates to work with zeal and confidence.
Leadership is critical to the achievement of high performance, no matter what your business or your area of responsibility. It is also essential in helping others aspire to and attain high levels of performance for themselves and the organization.
Qualities of a Leader
Leadership is the process of influencing others towards the accomplishment of goals. It is the ability of a manager to induce subordinates to work with zeal and confidence.
Leadership is critical to the achievement of high performance, no matter what your business or your area of responsibility. It is also essential in helping others aspire to and attain high levels of performance for themselves and the organization.
Qualities of a Leader
- Visionary Outlook.
- Emotional balance.
- Passionate.
- Good listening ability.
- Creates a positive atmosphere.
- Leader develops teamwork.
- A good leader is committed to excellence.
- Enthusiastic, Passionate, Dedicated, a Source of Inspiration and a Motivator.
- The effective leader seeks out situations where change is needed. He ‘does the right thing’, and operates using personal influence. He is stronger on ‘vision’, and often on ‘inspiration’ too.
- A manager makes change happen. He ‘does things right’ and relies more on personal influence. ‘Momentum’ is his strong suit, and ideally he can also ‘inspire’.
- All organizations need managers as well as leaders. Without strong managers, the organization risks descending into chaos. But, without effective leaders, the organization becomes lethargic and fails to evolve.
- What is Leadership.
- Importance of Leadership.
- Qualities of a Leader.
- Leaders and Managers – Are they the same?
- Leadership Development Process.
- How Can We Become Effective Leaders?
- Building Robust Teams as a part of Leadership.
- Delegating – A Five Step Process.
- Bringing Accountability.
- Leadership Styles.
- Leadership Theories:
- Ohio State University Studies.
- Managerial Grid.
- Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Theory.
- Leader Member Exchange Theory.
- Fiedler’s Least Preferred Co-Worker Theory.
- Transactional Leadership.
- Transformational Leadership.
- This module helps the participants to understand the drivers of leadership. The trainee is able to comprehend the situations which lead to the rise and development of leadership skills.
- The participant is made to understand what he should do to develop himself into an effective leader.
- It also guides the trainee as to what he should be doing as an effective leader which would help him develop more leaders in the team.
- It is most essential that the participant try and understand the various leadership theories and styles which would help him categorize himself or his boss and function accordingly.
- The participant is made to understand the difference between a leader and a manager.
- As leaders, the participants should not:
- Compete with their own people.
- Consider that they have a lousy team.
- Place popularity ahead of effectiveness.
- Sacrifice the means for the end.
- Create a future that enables self-preservation.
- Sacrifice the team to prove a point.
- Say, “I told you so…”
- When a new order is ushered, let people say, we did it by ourselves.
- Effective leaders learn continually.
- Champion change.
- Communicate powerfully.
- Build relationships.
- Develop others.
Your post is awesome!I feel Leaders are masters acting on issues immediately, and they never allow for issues to fester along. Leaders never stop learning, and they always surround themselves with other great thinkers. Anyways thanks for sharing this post.
Personal Development
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