Sunday, September 28, 2008

Human Process Laboratory

This module is aimed at middle and senior level management personnel. It is a three-day workshop. It has a powerpoint visual aid and activities.

This is an example of sensitivity testing or t-group analysis. The objective of the programme is to lighten the individuals attending this programme. At the end of the session people should feel that they have spoken their hearts out. Also, the participants should be able to see themselves in a new light where they understand their faults and drawbacks. They should also understand what aspect of their behaviour is disturbing and annoying to other people. This is a session wherein people get to see their reflection in a clear glass.

Areas covered under this module
  • Constituents of personality.
  • Self image.
  • Aggression.
  • Dealing with confusion.
  • Dealing with attitude.
  • Tackling ego issues.
  • Dealing with superiority complex.
  • Dealing with inferiority complex.
  • Patience.
  • Dealing with arrogance.
  • Dealing with over-sensitivity.
  • Dealing with stubbornness.
  • Dealing with adversity.
Benefits of this module
  • Increased sensitivity to emotional reactions and expressions in oneself and in others.
  • Greater ability to perceive and learn from the consequences of one’s actions through attention to feelings, of one’s own and of others.
  • Clarification and development of personal values and goals in consonance with a democratic and scientific approach to problems of social and personal decision and action.
  • Development of concepts and theoretical insights as tools in linking personal values, goals and intentions to actions consistent with these inner factors and with situation requirements.
  • Development of behavioural skills to support better integration of intentions and actions.
  • Ability to transfer laboratory learning to back home situations.
  • Learning how to learn; to continue to be analyst of one’s own behaviour and to become the kind of self the learner is seeking to become.
Guidelines towards sensitivity testing.
Most of the HR related problems in organizations arise due to interpersonal ineffectiveness of its people. Further, most of the irrational expectations and behaviour have origins to lack of self-understanding. Organizations tend to down with emotional problems and managers lose balance in decision-making when they are indifferent to sensitivity. This is true in case of all the managers supposed to deal with people as a part of their job. Therefore, all managers need to be exposed to sensitivity training in a systematic manner. This helps to promote healthy relationships and quality of behaviour of its personnel.


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